Sweet fruit, bitter truth

  • Published on 1/07/2016 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • Free

Oxfam report of May 2016

In this report of May 2016, Oxfam Germany reports the poor conditions for workers in pineapple plantations in Costa Rica and banana plantations in Ecuador.


It was after an initial study published in 2008 reporting the poor conditions for workers in pineapple plantations in Costa Rica, that the NGO Oxfam decided to review the situation. Today, despite that almost all supermarkets and exporting groups are engaged in sustainability, social responsibility and show certifications, it seems that little has changed since 2008...

You can view or download the report here with every detail of the survey published by Oxfam in May 2016.

In May 30, 2016, Rainforest Alliance issued a statement in response to this report. You can look at this from this link: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/statement/oxfam-germany

Finally, on 16 June 2016, Rainforest Alliance and Oxfam issued a joint statement, also available here: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/sites/default/files/uploads/4/joint-statement-oxfam-rainforest-alliance.pdf

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