The banana in Guatemala

  • Published on 18/05/2020 - Published by CANTRELLE Noémie
  • FruiTrop n°269 , Page From 86 to 91
  • Free

Producer country file

With exports of more than 2.3 million tonnes in 2019, Guatemala is the world number three exporter, and one of the historic pillars of the world banana trade. The vitality of its production is remarkable, and unrivalled in the banana world. In the space of a decade, production has practically doubled: expanding surface areas, coupled with a highly intensive production system and excellent pedoclimatic conditions, have helped the Guatemalan banana industry to achieve one of the world’s highest productivities, with production costs defying any competition. After relentless growth, the planting dynamic seems to be starting to stabilise. Exclusively focused on the US market from the outset, Guatemala is now starting to seek alternative outlets, especially to the European market, though logistical constraints are still limiting its expansion. 

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