Avocado - april 2016

  • Published on 13/06/2016 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°241 , Page From 10 to 10
  • Free

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The transition between the sources ended in a barely average supply context. The last Spanish and Israeli batches, in shortfall, were supplemented by waning volumes from Chile and Mexico, though these were still bigger than in recent years (record year for Mexico). The summer sources (Peru, Kenya, South Africa) rapidly came onto the market with big volumes, though still insufficient to offset the end of the Northern Hemisphere campaign and the absence of stocks after Easter. Nonetheless, Hass prices stagnated. Indeed, the first Southern Hemisphere imports came early and were characterised by a small sizing (22-24), with a shortage of sizes 18-20. After a period of shortfall, the supply of green varieties returned to average because of the marked rise in South African and Kenyan volumes.

avocado - france - import price
avocado - france - import price
avocado - france - monthly import price
avocado - france - monthly import price
avocado - france - volumes
avocado - france - volumes
avocado - france - volumes by source
avocado - france - volumes by source

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