Banana - July / August 2017

  • Published on 17/10/2017 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°251 , Page From 3 to 3
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Monthly review

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After collapsing in June, the banana market went through one of its worst summer crises of this decade. Consumption remained at its lowest due to the summer holidays, successive heatwaves and highly intense competition from seasonal fruits. In addition, the available supply far exceeded demand. After the June peak, the combined Africa/French West Indies supply started to fall, though it maintained high volumes in July (+ 7 % on the average). The seasonal fall from the dollar sources continued, reaching similar levels to last year. Hence, stocks continued to build up across Europe, and prices tumbled to very low levels, especially in Eastern Europe which received large clearances from the West (inferior quality fruits, downgraded organic bananas, post-sale prices). This situation persisted into August. While the Africa/FWI supply fell below average (ongoing fall from the FWI, African seasonal increase delayed), dollar banana volumes started to increase, despite shipload limitations by importers in the various production zones: a rise from Ecuador (3 % above average, spot volumes available), and above all a steep seasonal increase from Colombia (23 % above average). Hence the supply remained excessive in view of the heavy stocks available, and the markets were in crisis throughout the summer. The initial signs of recovery, with the approach of the new school year and preparations for major promotions, provided a glimmer of hope to the operators at the end of the month, and stocks finally started to be absorbed.

banana - germany - green price
banana - germany - green price


banana - northern europe - import price
banana - northern europe - import price


banana - europe - retail price
banana - europe - retail price


banana - europe - imported volumes
banana - europe - imported volumes


banana - russia - green price
banana - russia - green price


banana - russia - import price
banana - russia - import price


banana - spain - platano green price
banana - spain - platano green price


banana - canaries - import price
banana - canaries - import price
banana - USA - green price spot
banana - USA - green price spot


banana - USA - import price
banana - USA - import price

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