Orange - March 2018

  • Published on 13/05/2018 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°256 , Page From 7 to 7
  • Free

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The market remained firm and under tension. On the one hand, thanks to temperatures remaining cool and the absence of competing fruits, demand maintained a positive trend. On the other hand, imports started to ebb more distinctly. For the table orange, Navelate fell well below average (- 25 %) due to starting the season ahead of schedule and the low production potential. The supply was topped up by growing volumes of Navel Powell, yet they could not offset the shortfall. Prices remained stable and firm. Conversely, for the juice orange, the supply was disrupted by rains in the Andalusia production zone. Salustiana volumes were bigger than in previous years, and still available, so Valencia Late was delayed. Prices remained slightly below average because of the often advanced maturity of Salustiana. 

orange - france - import price
orange - france - import price
orange - france - volumes
orange - france - volumes
orange - europe - volumes
orange - europe - volumes

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