US banana supply in June 2021

  • Published on 30/08/2021 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
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The US banana market supply took a downturn in June 2021 (- 2.5 %), erasing the gains made in May (+ 2.9 %). Four of the last six months registered negative growth. The main reason is well known: the cyclones in November 2020, which in particular devastated Guatemala and Honduras. Trade-offs in favour of the US market from origins such as Colombia, Ecuador or Costa Rica were however insufficient to offset the big shortfall. So over the 1st half of 2021, the market was down by 76 000 tonnes, dropping to 2 362 000 tonnes. Note that the trend for the organic banana was exactly the opposite to that for the conventional banana: + 4.7 % for organic, and - 4.1 % for conventional. Organic’s market share also climbed to 11.9 %. Over 12 months, there was a clear downward trend, with a 3.6 % downturn in net supply, barely holding the 4-million tonnes level, with 4 026 000 tonnes, i.e. a historic low.

Source: CIRAD 


banana - USA - supply january june 2021


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