Other exotics - Q2 2016

  • Published on 6/10/2016 - Published by GERBAUD Pierre
  • FruiTrop n°243 , Page From 15 to 15
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Plantain banana

Rates were stable overall for the Colombian plantain banana, with this source dominating the European market supply. In June, prices were slightly higher with more restrained imports and more dynamic demand during Ramadan. Ecuador saw the rate of its fruit driven upward, thanks to the more moderate Colombian shipments.

plantain - france - weekly average wholesale market price
plantain - france - weekly average wholesale market price

Chayote and christophine

The limited chayote and christophine supply from Costa Rica promoted high, strong sale prices in Q2. Some air-freight batches from Martinique were sold in parallel, at around 2.80 euros/kg.

chayote and christophine - france - weekly average wholesale market price
chayote and christophine - france - weekly average wholesale market price


Starting the period at 2.70 euros/kg, Saint Vincent dasheens then traded steadily at around 2.50 euros/kg until late June. Some air-freight Martinique batches were sold in small quantities, at around 4.00 euros/kg. 

dasheen - france - weekly average wholesale market price
dasheen - france - weekly average wholesale market price

Chilli pepper

The rates for the two main West Indian chilli pepper suppliers, Guadeloupe and the Dominican Republic, dipped from May onward. Martinique supplied only limited spot quantities, its presence seemingly dwindling on the French market in favour of Guadeloupe, whose produce enjoys benchmark status. Small quantities of Cuban peppers made their appearance in April and May, selling on the same footing as the Dominican produce.

chilli pepper - france - weekly average wholesale market price
chilli pepper - france - weekly average wholesale market price

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