Orange - December 2017

  • Published on 2/03/2018 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°254 , Page From 6 to 6
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The market was balanced despite shipments gathering pace. The table and juice orange supply saw distinct progress after being in shortfall in November. On the one hand, Navelina shipments increased, despite a reduced production potential, with volumes above average (+ 23 %). On the other hand, Salustiana imports also progressed after a late start to the campaign, and were 15 % above average. Sales remained decent, in step with volumes available thanks to the cold temperatures in the consumption zones, as well as to the weaker competition from easy peelers. Table orange prices followed the downward seasonal trend, though they remained higher than last year. In terms of juice oranges, rates were rather low given the sometimes advanced maturity of Salustiana.

orange - france - import price
orange - france - import price


orange - france - average monthly price
orange - france - average monthly price


orange - france - volumes
orange - france - volumes


orange - france - volumes by variety and source
orange - france - volumes by variety and source

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