2016-17 Brazilian orange harvest: the smallest for a quarter-century

  • Published on 12/06/2016 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°241 , Page From 5 to 5
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That was the forecast of Citrus BR, which estimated the harvest at just under 250 million field crates. This considerable fall, of more than 18 % from the previous season, is apparently due to abnormally high temperatures during fruit-setting. This downturn comes on top of a structural downward trend in Floridian production and stocks returning to a much lighter level (approximately 330 000 t, i.e. 15 to 20 weeks on the market, as opposed to more than 500 000 t at the same period in 2015). Thus although consumption is continuing to provide no positive signs, the question is no longer to find out whether concentrate prices will rise, but when concentrate rates will rise.

orange - brazil - harvest and concentrate stock
orange - brazil - harvest and concentrate stock

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