Banana consumption in the EU and USA: 2016 off to a booming start

  • Published on 10/05/2016 - Published by Cirad
  • FruiTrop n°240 , Page From 4 to 4
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European consumption recorded an excellent performance for February 2016

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The estimated rise from 2015 was more than 8 %. European production, as well as both dollar and ACP imports, all contributed to the growth to varying degrees. Over two months (January to February 2016), the European supply (including EU production) leapt up by 4.6 % to reach 988 000 tonnes (estimate), an absolute record. Imports, especially from Africa, were the dominant part of the trend (+23 %). Ecuador fell by 6 %, but Colombia and Costa Rica both climbed by 7 %. Peru held up. Guatemala and Mexico saw a very steeply rising phase, with growth rates of 170 % and 32 % respectively. As for Africa, Cameroon and above all Côte d’Ivoire soared by 8 % and 46 %. For the latter, it is above all a case of catch-up following a difficult 2015 (climate vagaries of 2014). Ghana also had a very fine start to the year, with volumes up by 38 %. In the Caribbean and Latin America, the ACP dynamic saw great divergence: the Dominican Republic leapt up by 18 % (an absolute record for a first 2-month period), whereas Belize and Surinam slumped by 37 % and 29 % respectively. European production rose (+ 2.4 %), but only thanks to the Canaries. French production dropped fairly steeply. Over twelve months (March 2015 to February 2016), net consumption beat a new record, reaching 5 859 000 tonnes. This was the fifth consecutive month of growth.

The United States saw the same trend. Volumes consumed increased by 4 % from 2015, to 653 000 tonnes. Over these first two months of the year, the trend was the same as in 2013. Guatemala was also up (+ 3 %), as was Ecuador, which was clearly trading in favour of the US market (+ 12 %). Costa Rica took an abrupt upturn (+ 29 %). It must be said that this source had a dramatically lean start to 2015. Honduras and Mexico reduced sail by 15 % and 6 %.

Source: CIRAD

banana - EU and USA - supply
banana - EU and USA - supply

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