Eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day… kills.

  • Published on 7/04/2016 - Published by LOEILLET Denis
  • FruiTrop n°239 , Page From 1 to 1
  • Free

Editorial Fruitrop n°239

This is doubtless the message that the average consumer will pick up from distractedly reading the pseudo-scientific articles in the mainstream national and international press...

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The buzz, which has now usurped actual information, is pulling no punches with our friends fruit and vegetables, or with food in general. Pesticides are everywhere. Producers are awful polluters under the thumb of the industrial-phyto-pharmaceutical complex. If this seems to you an outrageous verdict, then you are among the few to have retained the redeeming capability of critical thought, part of a dwindling resource, in a world where nuance and reasoning have practically lost their place. We must decide quickly and in line with the majority, which as you know holds sway. The “reaction referendum” is firmly in control. Never mind if the remedies (alternative treatments or replacement products) or the effects (reduced production) could be worse than the original problem. Any collateral damage will be handled by the next lot. Because, as we know, political courage dissolves readily in the vox populi. The half-life of a political decision-maker is now definitely counted in months. Fortunately for fruits and vegetables, calculators are being put to hard work. Oxford University has just established a worldwide, direct and definitive link between climate change and falling consumption of fruit and vegetables and increased mortality. Lower fruit and vegetables consumption due to lower production due to global warming, with the result that half a million more people will die in 2050. Damn, what a dilemma! How do you choose between dying from pesticides for eating too much fruit and vegetables, or dying from not having eaten enough?

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