Orange - March 2016

  • Published on 11/05/2016 - Published by Market News Service / FruiTrop
  • FruiTrop n°240 , Page From 6 to 6
  • Free

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Demand maintained a very good dynamic thanks to the end of the easy peelers campaign, weak competition from the seasonal fruits (strawberry) and the good overall quality of the supply. Hence, boosted by good demand and by the early end of Navel, Navelate imports from Spain continued to progress rapidly, with prices on the up. In addition, the Tunisian Maltaise supply began its seasonal fall: following the sale of large volumes from the beginning of the campaign, the end-of-season supply was somewhat in shortfall. As for juice oranges, the Salustiana campaign continued to wind down, with volumes in shortfall given the early start to the campaign. Hence some limited initial batches of Spanish Valencia Late made their appearance on the market, though they were not sufficient to make up the shortfall. So prices for juice oranges strengthened throughout the month.

orange - france - import price
orange - france - import price
orange - europe - import price
orange - europe - import price
orange - europe - volumes
orange - europe - volumes
orange - europe - voumes imported
orange - europe - voumes imported

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